Wednesday, 12 January 2011

2011 Homegroup

We were kinda looking at a mixture of things.
Luke 2:25-28
It tells of Simeon and Anna, who both met Jesus as an infant, because they had devoted their lives to seeing God move and were expectant that He would move in their lives and in their lifetime.
Romans 10:17
Its about faith coming from hearing the message, which is in the word (the Bible). Yesterdays Revelations Could be Tomorrow's Breakthrough.

And so in light of these two verses we thank of what we might need to leave behind as we start a new year and what we want to keep hold of from 2010.
I really love the grace and gentleness that Papa convicts us to change. I really felt convicted to pray as much as I talk about things going on in my life. How different would my life be if I spent my bus journeys praying rather than talking to a friend about things going? How different would my attitude be?
I really felt reminded as well tonight that God's word gives life in abundance because its a book full of truth and the promises God gave us. Its also meant to be a weapon for us! I thought tonight that Satan knows the word of God better than I do....what a scary thought. How am I meant to use God's truth to defend myself when my enemy knows how to use my weapon better than I do? It really made me feel motivated to really get stuck into the word of God this year.

The things I learnt in to 2010 that I wanna cling on to is my faith in God's provision for me and my family. At the end of last year, our expectations of God were heightened even further when He provided in so many different ways and so abundantly. That's a truth that I wanna live by this year.
I also wanna continue in an attitude of thanksgiving. When me and my boyfriend started praying together from September, I was really amazed that he begins every prayer with thanks, and actually most of his praying consists of thanking God for His blessings, guidance, provision etc. It's something I have started to do as well when I come to Papa in prayer, and its something I wanna continue this year- to live with an attitude of gratefullness and thanksgiving to my God who gives in abundance!

God is good. All the time! <3

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